Senta jacket, aubergine

Senta jacket, aubergine

Art.Nr.: 116-S

Snowboardjacke Senta von eleven
EUR 259,00 inkl. 19 % USt zzgl. Versandkosten


Versandfertig in 24 StundenVersandfertig in 24 Stunden

Connectivity. It is magic in its most genuine form. It is what we utilize to illuminate our lives as our contentment is deeply afected by the connections we establish with one another, mother nature, and the universe.

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"Senta jacket - decent line"

Farbe: aubergine

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works.
The senta does.....

Funktionsgewebe mit: 2DLINE

15.000mm Wassersäule
10.000gr Atmungsaktivität


* Simplex lining
* 2d hood
* Overall connection (kann durch Reißverschluss mit der Hose verbunden werden)
* Belüftungsschlitze
* Verschweißte Nähte
* Pre shaped - vorgeformter Schnitt
* Hidden hem adjustment
* Quick draw mc graw hood adjustment
* Seamless lycra cuffs
* Audio pocket
* Pass pocket
* Stash pocket